Bristol-based employer brand agency BrandPointZero has announced a merger with fellow Bristol agency That Little Agency, a move that will significantly increase the PointZero Group’s digital expertise.
Both agencies currently focus on the employer brand space, and have a raft of industry awards and accolades between them. The merger of That Little Agency into the PointZero Group enables the delivery of end-to-end employer brand thinking, from insight to digital activation.
The businesses are no stranger to working together – owners Andy Bamford and Mark Beavan were previously colleagues in a former agency.
“The team at BrandPointZero have been really impressed with the way Mark has built an award-winning business with an impressive client list over the past seven years,” said agency founder Andy Bamford. “We’re excited to bring his employer brand knowledge into our team, particularly in digital and business development. It’s a natural next step for Mark, and a huge opportunity for the Group.”
For Mark Beavan, merging That Little Agency offers an opportunity to grow the scale and capacity of his output and take advantage of BrandPointZero’s enviable creative and strategic resource. “It’s the coming together of two employer brand journeys,’ said Beavan. ‘Andy and I worked together for years, then went off and did our own thing. Now we’re coming back together to pool our expertise, supported by a brilliant team. What better than growing a global business with somebody you know and trust?”
The PointZero Group is a Bristol-based collective of Comms and Behaviour Change agencies that work with global brands to deliver employer brand expertise (BrandPointZero), behaviour change programmes and customer experience training (LearningPointZero) and reward and benefit comms (RewardPointZero). That Little Agency’s merger with BrandPointZero is effective from January 1st, 2024.
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