Choices, choices… If you’re embarking on the task of finding an employer brand agency, it’s likely you’ll find a lot of choice out there. Employer brand agencies come in all shapes and sizes, and narrowing that list down can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. So we’ve summed up five things we think you should consider when choosing an employer brand agency:
1. Do they GET employer brands?
Check their previous employer brand work – every employer brand or EVP should be distinctive to that organisation, so look for diversity of strategy and creativity.
2. Can you see beneath the gloss?
It’s easy to deliver a glossy pitch, but have you met the team that will work with you for the long term? Do you know what drives them?
3. Do you like and trust them?
This may sound obvious, but you will hopefully work with your agency for many years and share the ups and downs together. Sometimes there will be tough conversations, and it’s much easier to speak candidly if there is mutual trust.
4. Do they talk HR?
Just as consumer brand agencies work with Marketing, employer brand agencies usually work with HR. Which means understanding recruitment, D&I, internal comms – all the things you care about. If your agency only speaks ‘marketing’, they won’t have the insight you need.
5. Are they adaptable?
The world is changing pretty fast right now, and that means your plans may need to flex too. You need an agency team who can adapt and work collaboratively with you to deliver the best result.
You can’t always tell how well an agency delivers on these qualities from the outside – get in touch with several, have a proper chat, tell them about your project/challenge and hear to what they have to say. We’d love to hear from you too – reach us here!